project introduction
Working closely with Trinity Homes UK, Waller Gray Consulting are currently working on the Structural and Civil Engineering for a design and build project to construct 19 residential units in the heart of Burwash, East Sussex.

Trinity Homes UK www.trinityhomesuk.com
Structural and Civil
MH Architects www.mharchitects.co.uk
Burwash, UK
project summary
The block of 15 flats is constructed in load-bearing masonry, with timber trussed roof and precast floors, incorporating an existing large retaining wall.
The four houses to the front of the site will be constructed timber frame. All units are to be constructed on traditional strip foundations.
The surface water drainage comprises a SUD’s compliant system restricting surface water runoff via a flow control device to an existing watercourse. The works also include a public foul water sewerage diversion.